Friday, December 30, 2011

Unique Unusual Interesting Floor Lamp - 31" Renato Rattan Coffee Table w/ Double Lantern Base & Glass Top

!±8± Unique Unusual Interesting Floor Lamp - 31" Renato Rattan Coffee Table w/ Double Lantern Base & Glass Top

Brand : ORIENTAL FURNITURE | Rate : | Price :
Post Date : Dec 30, 2011 06:51:34 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Attractive variation of classic Japanese paper lantern, crafted from 100% kiln dried Scandinavian Spruce, with fiber reinforced pressed pulp rice paper shade & subtle cranes in flight design, diffused light creates a soft, warm glow in any room. UL approved wiring, socket, and switch for a 25 Watt bulb, ships in 48hrs from our Massachusetts warehouse via FedEx, expedited delivery available. Great gift idea!

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Sunday, December 25, 2011

Part 08 - Moby Dick by Herman Melville (Chs 089-104)

Part 8. Classic Literature VideoBook with synchronized text, interactive transcript, and closed captions in multiple languages. Audio courtesy of Librivox. Read by Stewart Wills. Playlist for Moby Dick by Herman Melville:

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Monday, December 12, 2011

Chinese New Year For Kids - It's Time to Get Ready

!±8± Chinese New Year For Kids - It's Time to Get Ready

In China and other Asian countries, Chinese New Year is for kids of all ages, the most dear and loved of all the Chinese Festivals. As the big date approaches, children start preparing in anticipation of the colorful festivities.

The Chinese New Year celebrations last for fifteen days. They start on the first day of the Lunar Year, normally around the end of January or in February, and culminate on the 15th day of the year with the Lantern Festival.

These fifteen days are spent visiting friends and relatives, enjoying the many parades and activities such as the dragon and lion dances, and of course plenty of firecrackers are lit.

But before all this begins, a lot of preparation has to take place, and children are also encouraged to participate in these traditions:

*The house must be swept clean so all the accumulated bad luck from the previous year goes away. For kids, it means cleaning up their rooms and taking care of unfinished business, that is, it's time to catch up with homework.

*The decorations must be made. Children can write their own banners of good luck that hang in the main entrance of the house and their own bedrooms as well. The banners are made in red paper, red is the color of happiness and life. The messages contain typical lucky characters, such as "prosperity" and "good fortune."

*Another tradition is that of paying respect to the ancestors before the start of the new year. Kids will visit the temples, bring offerings in the form of fruits and incense to please the spirits and gain their favor for the upcoming year.

With the preparations out of the way, Chinese New Year arrives, and the festivities begin. In China, trains, ships, airplanes, horses, and any conceivable means of transportation will be crammed as people hurry home to spend the celebrations with their family and friends.

The non-stop string of banquets and feasts begins and children receive their lucky "red envelopes" which are filled with money.

The streets are jam-packed with dragon and lion dancers among all the well-wishers who come out to celebrate a new beginning, and it all ends in a burst of firecrackers to scare away the evil spirits. The New Year has begun.

Chinese New Year For Kids - It's Time to Get Ready

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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Manning, the Oligarchs, Narcotics and Change in Trinidad and Tobago

!±8± Manning, the Oligarchs, Narcotics and Change in Trinidad and Tobago

It is understandable that many Trinbagonians are still very perturbed by former Prime Minister Patrick Manning's calling of an early election which ended in agonizing defeat for him and his party, the People's National Movement (PNM). Understandable because most of them, including citizens in the wider world haven't a clue as to how politics truly functions. They wholeheartedly and sadly believe what they see on television, hear on radio stations and read in newspapers and magazines. But things heard and seen in the print and electronic media concerning politics are almost always 26 light years away from reality.
Knowledge of surreptitious individuals slithering behind stage curtains hidden from public scrutiny and dictating to political leaders is an essential before discussing politics. Monarchs, Presidents, Prime Ministers and Dictators throughout history have always answered to them and are fully aware of the penalties surrounding disobedience. These are the faceless juggernauts that call the shots and possess all the power, resources and money to fulfill most of their temporal desires in the present socio-economic-politico construct.

In Trinidad and Tobago, some call them the oligarchs, in the wider world and to researchers like me, those lacking respect for national sovereignty, boundaries or independent governments and pull the strings of public figures are known as the global elite. Eighteenth century British Prime Minister Sir William Pitt had this to say on the topic, "There is something behind the throne greater than the king himself, there is a power behind the throne." Mayor of New York City in the 1920s John Hylan stated that "The real menace of our Republic is the invisible government." German socialist and financial advisor to Kaiser Wilhelm II and the French Rothschilds, Walter Rathaneau said in 1934 that "There is a committee of 300 men who rule the world and call the shots." And 32nd President of the United States, Franklin Delano Roosevelt wrote, in 1933 that "The real truth of the matter is as you and I know, is that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson."

Political scientists and analysts taking seriously the left, right, republican, democrat, liberal, conservative, labour or any other system designed to divide human beings, are either intentionally leading persons astray or have no idea what they're babbling about. There isn't any side, only the manipulators and the manipulated.

In Trinidad and Tobago the oligarchs who answer via stealth networks to the global elite amalgamated and decided that Prime Minister Patrick Manning had to go. They wanted him gone not because he committed any political sin but because of his unwitting meddling in their affairs. You see Trinidad and Tobago has a parallel drug economy, inclusive of a potent money laundering operation worth 52 billion TT dollars a year. Manning with his drive to destroy the local trade, which is partly responsible for much of the murders in the country was also trampling on their international transshipment turf with his various anti-drug efforts. The International Narcotics Control Strategy Reports, issued by the U.S. State Department have long listed Trinidad and Tobago as the prime transshipment hub for tons of 95% pure South American cocaine going to especially Western Europe. And it surely isn't youths on petty crack blocks with chopped ounces involved in moving that tonnage in sea and air vessels. They don't possess the connections (blood, business or otherwise) and are completely ignorant of the delicacy needed and logistics involved in such an undertaking.

Encouraged by the international authorities to lend support to the so-called war on drugs in the Caribbean, Prime Minister Manning unveiled an ambitious plan in response to the call. It included the Special Anti-crime Unit or SAUTT; a radar system in the eastern and southern Caribbean; an airship called the blimp which monitored things from the sky; modern helicopters; and interceptor crafts and fast patrol vessels. It was a fledgling enterprise which understandably didn't yield many significant arrests considering the years those involved had under their belts perfecting the trade. But was a daring start which scared the genuine organized cartels along with the independent bottom feeders and in fact limited the amount of product on the streets of Trinidad and Tobago. But whether big baron or small peddler they all clearly understood the implications of such a plan gelling over time and functioning as a well oiled machine. They all knew that the narco business in and around T&T was living on borrowed time.

Already startled, the organized syndicates in Trinidad and Tobago became further agitated when the Prime Minister announced his intention to purchase 3 large Offshore Patrol Vessels or OPVs to secure the coast lines as well as the Gulf of Paria. Alarm bells of panic reverberated throughout the upper echelons of the narcotics world and the united cry was "something had to be done." That something was Manning's removal from office. Two ways would've been naturally pondered, bloodletting via an assassin or constant vilification in the media. Too dangerous on various levels, the first idea would've been abandoned even before formal discussion and thus the second, the most effective way of destroying a public figure without leaving loose ends was chosen.

While his removal was being hatched the major opposition party dislodged its longstanding leader Basdeo Panday and replaced him with Kamla Persad-Bissessar, a woman touted as the poster-child for change and new politics. She was subsequently built up in the press as Trinidad and Tobago's saviour, equipped with the necessary talents and capabilities to drag the country further than any past leader. The gender issue was also exploited, abused and milked completely dry. Prime Minister Patrick Manning on the other hand was constantly demonized and chastised in the press as a tyrannical failure and arrogant megalomaniac whose tenure was inimical to the twin Republic. All of his contributions, accomplishments and hard work were conveniently forgotten or completely ignored.

Making a caricature of several controversial issues, the compromised press succeeded in forcing vast sections of the population to foolishly believe that Persad-Bissessar was an archangel perched atop a white horse and Manning a creature with cloven hooves, horns and a long tail. Convincing a populace prone to thinking with emotions is always easier than a Sunday morning and the hidden masters who controlled the media had a shinning star in this new and improved wonder woman.

The reputed father of Public Relations Edward Bernays stated that "If you manufacture an authoritative figure who repeats the same messages over and over again, this will appeal to the subconscious desires of the masses. The unwashed masses will helplessly follow the leader and go along with any message they spout." Even those who halfheartedly followed the election could easily recall Kamla Persad-Bissessar's constant repetitiveness regarding "change", "unity", "real development", "new politics" and "we will rise".

The artificially created atmosphere which heralded the May 2010 election witnessed mendacity, deceit and picong taken to novel levels. The opposition parties formed a coalition called the People's Partnership and easily trounced Manning and his PNM at the election polls. The oligarchs were triumphant; the stone in their shoes was removed and replaced with a cruel hoax. Now Trinidad and Tobago has a pathetic administration which promised deliverance of the sun, moon and all the other planets; a leader who's not only a demagogue but also has pathological issues with the creature; and verdant ministers not au courant with the realities of governing a polarized, problematic, cosmopolitan twin island nation. At an economic standstill, the country also floats dangerously near the low tides of regression.

More disturbing is the new government's meticulous dismantling of all Manning's anti-drug initiatives and the scant regard shown to securing Trinidad and Tobago's borders, coastlines and waters. Vilified as nugatory for almost a decade the feared blimp was immediately erased from the skies; accused of spying on the new Prime Minister, SAUTT's head was sacked, general operation stultified and the entire unit subsequently disbanded; the high-tec helicopters, fast patrol vessels and interceptor crafts are rarely used; no one is sure as to the current status of the radar system; and purchase of the dreaded OPVs has been permanently cancelled. The British company charged with building them has also slipped into very hot legal waters in the USA making complete the destruction of Manning's anti-narcotics machinery.

The global elite are obviously elated with Manning's removal because while they pretend to not be a part of the narcotics scene, they're in fact the owners of this multi-trillion dollar trade in the destruction of human life. It was they who created it when the decision was taken to "rightly balance trade" by dumping tons of opium on Chinese society in the 19th century via the British East India Company. They later created and introduced heroin, fomented the Vietnam War to, in part help further the availability of this addictive narcotic during the flower power period, and from the late 1970s skillfully constructed the South American cocaine cartels via transnational intelligence agencies. Some of the faces they control on the global political stage know exactly what is going down while most others are none the wiser. They supervise a mock war on drugs, ask leaders in the developing world to assist them in this farce and cut those leaders down if they display any genuine desire to fight the trade. Like their stooge Karl Marx, they continue to turn Hegel on his head.

Former Prime Minister Patrick Manning was a victim of this type of duplicity and many of those in the Trinidad and Tobago media who viciously maligned him were prostituted in the interest of the sinister narcotic enterprise. Others jumped on the Manning bashing bandwagon without asking from whence it came or what its destination was. The smear campaign against him had nothing, in reality to do with John Calder Hart and UDECOTT, the Guanapo Church, The Property Tax, the Trinidad and Tobago Revenue Authority, smelter, squandermania and constructing tall buildings. These issues, important as they were, were only used to hide the real motive for the sustained media attacks on the Prime Minister. Manning and his OPVs et al stood in the way of the smooth continuation of a multi-trillion dollar illegal business venture which involves the waters and coastlines of, along with a lot of seemingly legitimate individuals from, Trinidad and Tobago. His plans also threatened the opulent but dishonest livelihood of others in South America, the Caribbean, North America, Africa and Europe.

Today you can hear citizens in wonderland and without a clue as to what is really going on still blaming Manning for "mashing up the PNM" while others, embarrassed by the raw incompetence of the new government they supported, claim that Manning was the problem and not the PNM. This is precisely what the global elitist; Caribbean oligarchs; the long list of dishonest money laundering business people and venal politicians desires all and sundry to forever believe. Trinbagonians were hoodwinked, bamboozled, flimflammed, swindled, fooled and lied to by a compromised, reliably uniformed media all in the name of DRUGS. What a lowdown, dirty shame it all is.

Manning, the Oligarchs, Narcotics and Change in Trinidad and Tobago

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Monday, November 28, 2011

Dance Floor

!±8± Dance Floor

Once the ceremony is over, there is no reason to think that the entire celebration is over, because it's only just begun. The reception is also a part of the wedding, that part where everybody has a good time. This is where the food and the champagne flow, and the dancing begin. You wedding is a happy event. Make sure your reception is as festive as possible. A great way of doing this is through its decor.

Your dance floor decoration should of course, complement the rest of your wedding theme. You need not be limited to just colors. There are a lot of different options to fit the type of reception venue. There are even dance floor accents that would emphasize your wedding theme ambiance.

An example of which would be customized lighting. The dance floor is a fantastic place to discover the different angles and colors to use. Custom monogram projected lighting is perfect for those elegant evening weddings. This would create a dramatic effect that would make your lighting stand out, an instant way of personalizing your reception site.

There are even more ways of dressing up and one way is through lighting. If you are looking at a rustic barn wedding, or perhaps any wedding with exposed ceiling beams, it would be great to drape ceilings with light. The twinkling effect above would reflect crystals, wedding jewelry, and your smooth dance floor. This is an instant feel of liveliness and festivity. A few Christmas lights here and there, casually draped unto the ceiling is a refreshing touch of country calm.

The disco ball is a clear representation of the seventies era. A classic disco ball on your dance floor creates a retro vibe that is perfect for similarly themed weddings. The spinning glimmering mirrored balls cast little moving beams of light unto the dance floor, which guests would definitely revel in.

There are so many simple yet great additions that would make the area of your dance floor unique. A great example are Chinese paper lanterns hung from colorful strings. They are always charming on these kinds of occasions and would cast dramatic soft glows over the dance area. If you wish to create the more rustic atmosphere, you could also opt to use pierced copper lanterns over Chinese lanterns. It gives the same effect, with a slightly different touch.

Guests will spend a lot of the reception time on the dance floor. Take the extra mile to make it as interesting as your relationship, reflecting the kind of wedding perfect for you. Enhance the festive and fun experience by using these simple tips. You'll reap the benefits of you and your guests, enjoying yourselves and dancing until the break of dawn.

Dance Floor

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Chinese dabble VS Euro-Rock(Bian Liunian)

Bian Liunian (simplified Chinese: 卞留念) is a Chinese musician, composer and musical director. He is responsible for the musical production of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Closing Ceremony. Liunian has specialized in playing the two-string fiddle erhu, a Chinese traditional folk instrument. In addition to the erhu he plays over 200 musical instruments. As a composer he creates more than 200 musical works every year. He has been the Musical Director for over 16 years for the CCTV New Year's Gala, one of the most watched television programs in the world.

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Friday, November 11, 2011

String Lights - The Most Fun Outdoor Lighting Around

!±8± String Lights - The Most Fun Outdoor Lighting Around

I'll never forget, on the first night of every family camping trip, the first light of those beloved colorful string lights we had helped mother to hang from tree to tree earlier that afternoon.

It was always the same feeling when their soft but jolly light fell on the ground around us... it was time to be having fun!

That's string lights for you. Soon as they come on, you just feel like smiling. And anyone that has hung these festive lights and enjoyed that atmosphere knows what I'm talking about.

But in those days, unless you were camping or holding an outdoor Hawaiian luau, the string lights mostly stayed in a box, just gathering dust in the attic.

These days people don't need special occasions to hang these little wonders but have made them permanent lighting resources as a part of their landscape decor. And people are loving string lights as never before.

And it thrills me to see them becoming so popular. As a child, I just never understood why we only used them on our camping trips. We had the small multi-colored Chinese lantern type and they made the prettiest glow on our faces as we sat beneath them telling ghost stories.

Today, there are so many styles of string lights to choose from, and all of them ready to make any corner of your garden a very fun place to be. And not just for an occasional party, but every night!

When my parents passed, I asked for those old Chinese lantern string lights my mother had strung so many times through the years. Though dusty, worn and torn, and most of the bulbs burned out as well, they hold so many fond memories of our family's camping trips, they are priceless to me.

And in a special corner of my backyard, I have hung some very similar Chinese lanterns. And it's the spot everyone's congregates to, faces aglow, conversation lively... just fun all around.

String Lights - The Most Fun Outdoor Lighting Around

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Friday, November 4, 2011

Lanterns in Nature: Version 2

For this newest slide show, the shapes of flowers, fruits, and seedpods suggested this whimsical comparison to everyday lamps and lights set to the traditional Chinese tune, "Jackdaws Playing in the Water." This music was recorded by Fan Hong in 2002 and is found in the album: Chinese Flowers and Birds. It features the Erhu, an ancient two-stringed instrument played with a bow. Version 2 of this slide show includes an edited ending and extra frames. I hope you enjoy this meditative study of garden treasures and everyday objects!

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Saturday, October 22, 2011

SuperBright 50 Foot Long Rope Light

!±8± SuperBright 50 Foot Long Rope Light

Brand : LAMPS PLUS | Rate : | Price :
Post Date : Oct 23, 2011 02:41:19 | N/A

This flexible rope lighting can be used anywhere you need decorative lighting. It's ideal for cove or cabinet lighting, illuminating handrails, toe kick areas in the bath or kitchen, under a counter and more. 1 inch bulb spacing with a bulb life of 25,000 hours and an output of 3 watts per foot. Each bulb is only .25 watts. Rope sections may be connected to a maximum run distance of 200 feet. Molded female/male connectors. Includes hardware mounting clips and screws. 50 foot length of rope light. 5 foot power cord. Rope light. 1 inch bulb spacing. Bulb life of 25,000 hours. Connect up to 200 feet. Includes mounting hardware. 50 foot length of rope light. 5 foot power cord.

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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Lightbar 15" LED Media Highlighter System HT1502

!±8± Lightbar 15" LED Media Highlighter System HT1502

Brand : Universal Lighting and Decor | Rate : | Price : $148.99
Post Date : Oct 19, 2011 18:37:40 | Usually ships in 2-3 weeks

This full-color spectrum solid-state lighting system from CYRON is perfect for accent lighting and ambient lighting for smaller areas. Simply place behind wall art, TVs, sculptures, or room details for an exciting new effect. With six pre-programmed patterns and a music mode, it's easy to get just the effect you want. Its 12-volt design is safe, produces no heat, and is energy-efficient. This package includes one processor-based controller, one smart voltage-sensing adapter, one junction box with 6 outlets, two 15" lightbars, four 360-degree adjustable mounting clips, 12 pieces of two-sided tape in various sizes, and 1/2" mounting screws. See your decor in a whole new light.

  • LED media light.
  • Create dramatic lighting effects.
  • Multi-color lights.
  • 2 15" lightbars.
  • 4 360-degree mounting clips.

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